Canley Heights Public School

Lead and Guide

Telephone02 9724 3320

About our school

Canley Heights Public School is a community focused school which has a clear mission to ensure all students reach the highest possible outcomes in all aspects of their education. 

The school is situated in south-west Sydney and has an enrolment of approximately 575 students from P-6. Just over 90% of our students come from language backgrounds other than English. 

The school is currently participating in its first year of Early Action for Success and is engaging in school improvement processes linked to Curiosity and Powerful Learning. We are committed to innovative educational standards and offering unique opportunities for students to participate and reach their full potential in a wide range of cultural and sporting experiences. 

The staff is actively engaged in ongoing professional learning, delivering high quality teaching and learning programs for the future readiness of our students. The school is dedicated to excellence and values with a focus on student wellbeing programs. 

Canley Heights Public School is known for: 

  • quality early learning, literacy, numeracy and technology programs; 
  • inclusive teaching and learning programs that cater to the needs of all students; 
  • good discipline and supportive student welfare programs such as Breakfast Cub and Reading Cafe, Homework Club and our Technology Learning Centre; 
  • participation in the performing and creative arts, community language programs, public speaking and debating 
  • exemplary sporting programs, including PSSA premierships and and the after hours Sporting Schools program; 
  • a strong Student Representative Council 
  • active parent participation and support 

School song

Boys and girls stand side by side

To the future we are singing

To the world new hope we're bringing

Hope of life with us abide

Canley Heights,

 will lead and guide

Canley Heights,

 will lead and guide